Below is a number of financial calculators for your use
Home & Mortgage CalculatorsComprehensive Mortgage CalculatorShould I refinance my home mortgage (breakeven)?How much home can I afford?Comparing Mortgage Terms (i.e. 15, 20, 30yr)
LoansHow much vehicle can I afford?
Insurance CalculatorsHow much life insurance do I need?How much disability income insurance do I need?Which is better, comprehensive plan or high-deductible plan with HSA?
Retirement CalculatorsHow much will I need to save for retirement?What may my 401(k) be worth?Should I convert to a Roth IRA?What is the impact of increasing my 401(k) contribution?
Saving CalculatorsHow much should I save to reach my goal?How long will it take to pay off my credit cards?How long will my money last?
Career & EducationHow will payroll adjustments affect my take-home pay?When should I begin saving for my child’s college?